Eleventh Stack

Retribution_Falls_Cover I am a fairly regular consumer of science fiction and fantasy stuff, but I have not spent a lot of time reading within the Steampunk sub-genre.  This changed recently when the writer of a gaming blog I follow recommended Chris Wooding’s Retribution Falls.  When someone tries to sell me on a book, I have often found myself most easily swayed when the “seller” employs a handy comparison to something I already know. So when this blogger casually compared Retribution Falls to a Steampunk version of Firefly, I immediately opened a new window in the catalog and placed a hold on it!  I consider Firefly and the universe Joss Whedon built around it to be some of the best sci-fi I’ve ever encountered.

The action in Retribution Falls takes place on the planet of Atalon, a world not unlike our own in the late 19th century. Technology and warfare…

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Getting things done.

Today’s been a good day. I’ve accomplished small tasks which has left me feeling big time satisfaction. I thought I would be working today and taking my five year old daughter with me. Those plans were cancelled however, and I was faced with an extra day at home. Having straightened the kitchen last night before bed, my early morning was leisurely. After making coffee, and making the bed, I finally created this wordpress blog! I have been trying unsuccessfully for a while now, using some sort of Nook friendly site. I love my Nook but it isn’t always easy to network with. Once that was finished, and no longer lurking in the back of my mind leaving me dissastisfied, I was able to get on with the day.
    Vacuuming ensued, then laundry ( ongoing throughout the day ) and I also got in some raking and tidying outside. We had quite the rain and wind here last night, and the large tree in my yard that I refer to as the “prickly tree” shed quite a bit in the storm. Bartholomew ( our rough coat collie ) then got his walk. Lucy ( my five year old ) was pushed on the swing, and then we came inside. Lunch for her, and tea for me followed. I was also able to sew a bit more on a simple ( very ) skirt I am making.
    Find that when I’ve accomplished things needing to be done, my time of relaxation is sweeter. Not only for me I’m sure.
  I think another cup of tea and perhaps a few pages from the book I’m reading by Susanna Kearsley : the Winter Sea, are in order. 🙂